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Carotid Endarterectomy

What is a carotid endarterectomy?

A carotid endarterectomy is an operation performed to unblock the artery in the neck (carotid artery) that supplies blood to the brain, thereby reducing your risk of stroke.

Why do I need this surgery?

You will be offered this operation if you have suffered from a transient ischaemic attack (TIA or mini stroke) or a stroke, in the recent past, or are at risk of stroke in the future as a result of carotid artery disease. Approximately 110,000 people suffer a stroke in the UK each year and about a quarter of these are caused by a narrowing in the carotid artery. The operation is not performed to correct the symptoms of a TIA or stroke but to prevent any further episodes in the future.

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What should I do next?

If you think you have one of these conditions or any of the described symptoms we recommend you seek medical advice.

For further information or to arrange an appointment at Circulation Clinic

Enquiries: 0345 3690106


What happens during a carotid endarterecotmy?

The main aim of the operation is to clear the carotid artery of plaque. This can be performed using a local or general anaesthetic. In our practice, general anaesthetic is preferred as it allows for a more controlled environment throughout the operation. You may have several drips inserted into your arms to monitor your blood pressure during the operation and a small probe placed on the side of your head to monitor blood flow to the brain. An incision is made in the neck between your ear and breastbone, usually about 10cm long. The artery lies deep in the neck and to access it, veins and lymphatics must be divided. Several important nerves in the neck lie over the artery - these are identified and gently retracted out of the field of view. The artery is then isolated. You will receive an intravenous blood thinner called heparin before clamps are applied to your artery. The artery is then opened and a temporary shunt is placed; this is a plastic tube that allows blood to flow to the brain while the operation is conducted. The plaque is then removed and the artery repaired. The shunt is removed and flow is restored to the brain. A plastic tube called a drain is sometimes inserted into the wound at the end of the procedure and connected to an external bottle. The skin is repaired with dissolvable stitches or skin staples.

What happens after the operation?

After the operation, optimal blood pressure control is key. This will initially be monitored through the drip in your arm and then eventually in the usual way using a blood pressure monitor. The drain will be removed at 24 hours if there is minimal drainage and you will be encouraged to mobilise. Your neck will feel stiff and sore which is normal. There may be some numbness around the wound which may be permanent. If you remain well, with a normal blood pressure, you will be discharged in 24 to 48 hours.

What are the risks of complication?

The main risks from the surgery include a small (3%) risk of stroke during the operation itself. There is also a similar rate of nerve damage from the surgery. The 2 main nerves affected control the strength of your voice, swallowing and tongue movements. These nerves are identified during the surgery and moved, but can become stretched and bruised, in which case the symptoms are usually temporary (2-4 months). This may cause hoarseness to your voice or a lack of coordinated swallowing. Sometimes these functions are recoverable with physiotherapy. There is also a small (1%) risk of infection and death from the surgery. Infections are very difficult to treat and usually require further surgery. As the operation constitutes major vascular surgery, there is also a small risk of chest infections, pneumonia, heart attack and other complications associated with any major surgery. The minor side effects include feeling tired for up to 8 weeks after the operation. You may also have some numbness around the scar, ear or face which is due to division of skin nerves. Usually this settles but it can be permanent.

Are there any alternatives to surgery?

The 2 main alternatives to surgery are medical therapy and stenting: Medical therapy: This includes continuing the oral blood thinning medication, a statin tablet, and controlling your blood pressure, diabetes and other risk factors very strictly. The predicted risk of suffering further TIA or stroke can be calculated using scoring systems, although it must be remembered that this is only an estimate. Risks from surgery are generally lower than simply using medical management. Carotid artery stenting: This involves placing a stent in the diseased area to widen the artery. It is performed under a local anaesthetic and involves a needle puncture to the artery in the groin or arm, followed by x-ray guided stent placement in the neck. There is some evidence to suggest that this procedure is associated with a higher stroke rate and is therefore not offered as first line treatment. However, it is a useful alternative in those patients who are at higher risk of complications from surgery.

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